GMT STEPN впадає на 10% внаслідок повідомлень про якісь продажі токенів від Binance Labs. 02.04.2024 GMT STEPN впадає на 10% внаслідок повідомлень про якісь продажі токенів від Binance Labs. 02.04.2024
GMT STEPN впадає на 10% внаслідок повідомлень про якісь продажі токенів від Binance Labs. 02.04.2024
02 квітня 2024
GMT STEPN впадає на 10% внаслідок повідомлень про якісь продажі токенів від Binance Labs. 02.04.2024

GMT STEPN впадає на 10% внаслідок повідомлень про якісь продажі токенів від Binance Labs. 02.04.2024

Stepn’s GMT Drops 10% Amid Reports of Alleged Token Sale by Binance Labs

Stepn’s GMT token has dropped by 10% amid reports of an alleged token sale by Binance Labs. The token, which is used for governance and staking on the Stepn platform, saw a significant drop in value following the reports.

According to sources, Binance Labs is rumored to have sold a large amount of GMT tokens, leading to a sharp decline in the token’s price. This has caused concern among GMT holders and investors, who are worried about the impact of the alleged token sale on the token’s value.

Stepn’s team has yet to comment on the reports, and it is unclear whether the alleged token sale is true. However, the drop in GMT’s price has raised questions about the stability and future of the token.

GMT holders and investors are advised to closely monitor the situation and stay updated on any developments regarding the alleged token sale. It is important to carefully consider the potential impact of such events on the token’s value and make informed decisions based on the latest information available.