Horizen голосує за видалення захищеного пула. 15.01.2024 Horizen голосує за видалення захищеного пула. 15.01.2024
Horizen голосує за видалення захищеного пула. 15.01.2024
15 січня 2024
Horizen голосує за видалення захищеного пула. 15.01.2024

Horizen голосує за видалення захищеного пула. 15.01.2024

Horizen Votes to Remove Shielded Pool

Horizen, a privacy-focused blockchain platform, has announced that its community has voted to remove the shielded pool. The shielded pool was originally implemented to provide privacy for transactions, but it has been a source of contention within the community. The decision to remove the shielded pool comes after a long and thoughtful discussion within the Horizen community. The removal of the shielded pool is expected to have a positive impact on the platform, as it will simplify the user experience and make the platform more accessible to a wider audience. Horizen is committed to providing a secure and private environment for its users, and the removal of the shielded pool is a step towards achieving this goal.